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With nearly five hundred ‘regular’ clausulae to choose from, why should a copyist transcribe some dozen motets into a notation he does not understand; and how did these few works become interspersed in random fashion in such an ordered section of a MS [F] which is itself most meticulously ordered?

500もの"規則的”なクラウズラのうちから、なぜ書記はせいぜい何十程度の、その記譜法が理解できないモテットをtranscribeしようとしたのだろうか? そしてどのようにしてこうした数少ない作品は、それ自身、細心の注意でもって順序づけられているF写本中の特定の場所にランダムに散在するようになったのか?

Were these clausulae gathered together in a little appendix, much more credence could be given to the hypothesis; if such clausulae were transcriptions they would of necessity spring from a tradition so strikingly different from that of the others in the codex that there would be some clear division of the two series made manifest in the MS itself.

もしもこれらのクラウズラ群が”a little appendix”に集められていたのであれば、この仮説(クラウズラ群がモテットからのtranscriptionであった)にはより大きい信頼性が与えられたことだろう。もしもこのようなクラウズラ群が(モテットからの)transcriptionであったならば、こうしたクラウズラ群は、写本中の他のクラウズラ群とは決定的に異なった伝統からの、必然的なバネとなったことであろう。

In ‘Clausulae or Transcribed Motets in the Florence Manuscript?’ (1970), Anderson chiefly attempted to deny the notational irregularities of the clausulae identified by Waite as transcribed motets.

‘Clausulae or Transcribed Motets in the Florence Manuscript?’ において、Anderson は主として、Waiteによって transcribed motets.と同定されたクラウズラ群の記譜法上の不規則性を否定しようと試みた。

He also challenged Waite’s proposition on a number of grounds, rightly questioning the need for such transcribed motets in F, given the very extensive collection of ‘regular’ clausulae in this manuscript, which did not appear to require supplement or enrichment with transcribed motets.

Anderson はまた、いくつかの理由を背景としたWaiteの仮説にも挑戦した。すなわち、F写本には相当量の"規則的な”クラウズラ群が存在するにもかかわらず、なぜそのような transcribeされたモテット群が必要とされたのか、ということである。そうしたクラウズラ群は、transcribeされたモテット群による補充や enrichmentも必要とは思われないのに。

He was concerned by the seemingly ‘random fashion’ in which these transcribed clausulae were interspersed in the manuscript, and he queried the presence of short melismas at the end of a number of these contentious clausulae (usually in order to produce a complete presentation of the borrowed tenor chant), absent in their related motets. Anderson asked how ‘a redactor who did not understand the notation’ could have ‘appended an entirely new melisma not known in the original’. .Furthermore, he emphasised the difference between F and the Saint-Victor manuscript, the only known source thought to contain a collection of transcribed motets and long considered to be exceptional.169

注169)Rokseth, the first scholar to propose motet origins for the clausulae in StV, underlined their special status as exceptions to the typical model exemplified in the Notre-Dame sources. See Polyphonies du XIII e sie `cle, iv, pp. 70‐1. Recent scholarship has continued to view the StV manuscript as anomalous. See, e.g., Koerndle, ‘Von der Klausel zur Motette und zurueck?’, pp. 127‐8.

He stated that ‘the singular nature of the StV collection certainly grants the possibility of motet-transcription, and thus transcription is not an impossibility in F, although one may not use by analogy the StV MS to substantiate any possible evidence of this method of compilation in F’.

Andersonは、「モテットtranscriptionである可能性はSt.V写本だけの性質であり、F写本では存在しない。しかしながら、F写本の編纂の仕方の実現性を証明するためにStV 写本をアナロジーとして利用することもない」と主張した。

A number of Anderson’s concerns are ill-founded. Baltzer has already challenged Anderson’s notational analyses, demonstrating that the clausulae identified by Waite could have been notated in a more regular manner than they are in F. Despite these notational irregularities in F, Anderson’s claim that the copyist ‘did not understand’ sine littera notation is misleading. Errors in notation may reflect the inherent difficulty of translating musical material conceived in a different notational system rather than the fundamental inadequacy of the scribe.

Andersonの関心の多くは、根拠薄弱なものである。Baltzerは、Waiteによって同定されたクラウズラ群が、より規則的な方法で記譜されているということを示し、Andersonの記譜法分析に挑んでいた。F写本中のこれらの記譜上の不規則性にもかかわらず、Andersonの考えは、書記がsine littera記譜法を理解していなかったことが誤読の原因である、というものであった。記譜上のエラーは、書記のもともとのな不適性というよりは、異なった記譜システムから発生した音楽素材のtranslateの本来的困難さを反映しているのかもしれない。

In consequence, there seems little difficulty in accepting that the clausula scribe could have appended new material not present in the original motets. In any case, the added closing melismas are often highly conventional concluding gestures, common to a number of clausulae.172


注172) Smith has referred to the added melisma at the end of one of the clausulae discussed by Waite (Domino 12, F, fol. 88v?4) as ‘a simple and frequently used cadential formula found throughout the Magnus liberer’. See N. E. Smith, ‘Some Exceptional Clausulae of the Florence Manuscript’, Music & Letters, 59 (1973), pp. 405?14, at 409.
注172)Smithは、Waiteによって議論された、クラウズラの最後の部分の「付け加えれれたメリスマ」に言及し、「Magnus libererにはありふれた、単純かつしばしば使われる終止形式である」としている。

Furthermore, the ligation of a complex motet sine littera would have surely required just as much, if not more, skill than the addition or creation of a short melismatic addendum. Similarly, Anderson’s concerns about the ordering of F might be partially assuaged by the possible cluster of transcribed motets at the end of fascicle 1. But the fundamental question as to why motets would ever have been transcribed in such a way in F, particularly since the clausulae-as-notationalmodels theory can now be rejected, remains unanswered.

さらに、複雑なsine littera モテットのligationには、短いメリスマ付加と同じか、あるいはそれよりも高度な技術を要する。同様に、AndersonのF写本の配列に関する関心は、冊子1の一番最後のtranscribeされたモテットの群れによって奪われてしまったのかもしれない。しかし、なぜモテット群がF写本にこうした方法でtranscribeされたのかについては、基本的な疑問がある。特に、記譜モデルとしてのクラウズラ理論が今や否定され、答えが見つかっていないわけだから。

The need definitively to answer this question might be less pressing if F as a source were differently understood. One need not regard clausulae derived from motets as part of a ‘strikingly different’ tradition. The idea of a clausula derived from a motet is more palatable if F is imagined in a general context of musical reuse, where motets and clausulae interacted and influenced one another, and where the scribe copying a clausula might be aware of Latin and French texts associated with the music in question.


This renders the possible appearance of a ‘transcribed’ French motet in a clausula fascicle less surprising, and the admission that one particular clausula might represent a transcribed motet need not challenge the priority of clausulae over related motets in other instances.


It appears that those copying F aspired to provide a very comprehensive collection of music:  almost all the known Latin monotextual motets are preserved in this manuscript, and likewise, the collection of clausulae is far greater than in any other source. This led Anderson to refute Waite’s claims that the clausulae in F required any further supplement in the form of transcribed motets.


Yet the vast size of the clausula collection would support the inclusion of ‘transcribed motets’ if one of the aims of those copying and collating F was to record, as comprehensively as possible, the great extent and richness of their musical repertory in many possible forms. In this case, it would be entirely reasonable that the scribe transcribed the music of a French motet on a certain tenor, in order to increase the number of clausulae on this chant yet further. In such circumstances, clausulae lacking related motets, clausulae subsequently texted to become motets, and motets transcribed as clausulae could appear alongside one another in the same, liturgically ordered, fascicle.


French motets might also have been transcribed as clausulae as a means of including their musical material in F without any accompanying text in the vernacular. Roesner has underlined the possibility that F may once have contained a number of gatherings, or even a fascicle, now lost, devoted to French motets.

フランス語モテットは、世俗語の歌詞を伴わないF写本中の音楽素材を取り入れる手段としてのクラウズラ群として、transcribedされていった。Roesner は、F写本が、数多くの収集物を含んでおり、あるいは、今は失われているが、かつてはフランス語モテット群が含まれていたであろう冊子等が含まれていた可能性を強調している。

This could be supported by my suggestions that French motets were available to those copying F. However, Roesner’s proposition seems improbable in other respects. F, as it is now extant, contains exclusively works in Latin, and employs liturgical ordering principles uncommon in sources in the vernacular. It is noteworthy that the duplication of musical material across the motet fascicles of F seems actively to have been avoided. It is unlikely that the Latin motets Ypocrite pseudopontifices/Velut stelle ?rmamenti/ET GAUDEBIT, Veni, salva nos/AMO[RIS] or Stirps Iesse/Virga cultus/FLOS FILIUS E[IUS] would also have been copied in F in their French versions.

フランス語モテット群はF写本の筆写に役立っていたという考えは、私の提案で支持されることだろう。しかしながら、Roesnerの仮説は、他の観点からみて、あり得そうもない。現存するF写本は、数多くのラテン語作品を含んでおり、フランス語の資料には一般的ではない儀式秩序原理を含んでいる。F写本中のモテット冊子間の音楽素材の複製は積極的に避けられているように見えることは、重要なことであろう。ラテン語モテットYpocrite pseudopontifices/Velut stelle ?rmamenti/ET GAUDEBIT, Veni, salva nos/AMO[RIS] あるいは Stirps Iesse/Virga cultus/FLOS FILIUS E[IUS] がそれらのフランス語版においてもF写本中に筆写されている、ということはあり得ない。

These Latin motets―extant only in F and with an apparently narrow circulation ―are related to particularly widely disseminated French motets, perhaps indicating that the contrafacta in F were specially created, precisely in order that well-known French motets could appear in the context of a purely Latin motet collection.177

177 I have suggested elsewhere that the motets at the end of the second fascicle may have been pieces created specifically for F

I think it more probable that works with French texts were deliberately excluded from F ―despite the fact that they were available to those preparing the manuscript ―than that the manuscript contained vernacular motet fascicles now lost.


Yet it is striking that there was apparently no effort made in F to conceal or obscure links with vernacular musical traditions. A number of the Latin contrafacta are very clearly related to their French counterparts; Error popularis, for example, resembles Fole acostumance closely in theme, vocabulary, poetic structure and semantic content. Similarly, the music of such a Latin contrafactum would probably have carried associations of its more widely disseminated French text.

F写本においては、世俗語の音楽的伝統に連なることを隠したり、曖昧にしたりしようとされていたことは間違いない。多くのラテン語contrafactaは、それらのフランス語の相方によく連関している。たとえばError populariは、Fole acostumanceと、そのテーマ、語彙、詞的構造、修辞的内容がよく似ている。同様に、こうしたラテン語contrafactaの音楽は、おそらくは、そのより広く伝播されたフランス語歌詞とよく連関している。

Any desire to exclude French motets from F must, then, have operated on quite a superficial level: though in Latin, the vernacular heritage―both musical and poetic ― of the contrafacta in F would presumably have often been obvious. This would also apply to refrain melodies present in both Latin motets and clausulae in F. Despite the lack of associated French texts, the refrains could still have been recognised as part of the musical currency of the vernacular world.


Those compiling F had, seemingly, no objection to French music or French influences, only to the actual appearance of French texts within their purely Latin collection. The transcription of French motets as clausulae in F would, therefore, have been an effective way of recording their music without associated vernacular texts, and without the need to create a Latin contrafactum.


How might these explanations for the presence of transcribed motets among clausulae in F relate to the justifications offered for the collection of clausulae in StV?


Buettner, in his 2011 monograph Das Klauselrepertoire der Handschrift Saint-Victor, demonstrated conclusively that all forty of the Saint-Victor clausulae represent transcriptions of French motets, whose accompanying texts are cued by marginal incipits.

Buettnerは2011年に、「St.V写本のクラウズラレパートリー」という論文において、St.V写本中の40のクラウズラはフランス語モテットのtranscriptionであることを示している。それに伴う歌詞は、marginal incipitsの糸口になるけれども。

While F is dated in the 1240s, both Koerndle and Buettner place StV between 1270 and 1300 arguing that the transcription of motets as clausulae here is part of a deliberate act of conservatism in this source. Koerndle suggested a particular desire in StV to employ modal, rather than mensural, notation; a notational ‘correction’ related to concerns, as expressed in Pope John XXII’s later Bull Docta sanctorum patrum (1324), about the use of semibreves and minims. Buettner likewise situated StV in a reactionary context, responding to particular philosophical debates from the 1270s onwards.

F写本が1240年代に作られたことについて、Koerndle と Buettner は、StV 写本の年代を、1270年から1300年頃に置いている。クラウズラとしてtranscrieされたモテット群がこのソースにおいては保守的な役割を果たしていると論じながら。Koerndleは、StV写本における特別な要望は、計量的記譜法よりもむしろ、モードリズムの採用をすることであった、と主張している。こうしたことに関した記譜法的正確さは、ローマ法王ヨハネ22世によるDocta sanctorum patrum (1324)において、semibureveやminimの使い方について書かれている。Buettnerは同様に、StV 写本を哲学論争に応じた反動的内容において、1270年代以降に位置付けている。

He viewed the clausulae as an attempt to transform worldly secular French motets into a supposedly older and purer musical state. Buettner observed that StV consciously imitates earlier liturgically appropriate sources containing clausulae, yet simultaneously draws attention to its reformation of undesirable secular motets through the inclusion of their vernacular incipits.

Koerndleは、クラウズラを,世俗のフランス語モテットを仮想的な古く純粋な音楽の状態に転置する試みとして、考えた。Buettner は、St.V写本はより早期の儀式にふさわしい、クラウズラを含んでいるソースを真似たものであるとしている。同時に、フランス語のincipitを含みながら、望ましくない世俗モテットの情報に注意をしている。

These explanations, while convincing in the context of StV, do not seem so appropriate in the case of F, a source that presumably pre-dates such reformative tendencies, and where modally notated, ‘genuine’ clausulae and transcribed motets can be interspersed and, on the surface, indistinguishable.


Indeed, the evidence of F indicates that the transcription of motets as clausulae was already established relatively early in the thirteenth century and that the conversion of French motets into clausulae in StV may be part of a much more widespread and older practice than has been fully acknowledged. This practice is one for which further explanation and contextualisation is therefore required.



I have proposed three Latin motets in F as contrafacta of earlier French motets, and demonstrated that two clausulae in this manuscript might also represent textless transcriptions of French motets.


These Latin motets and clausulae are exceptional in the context of F: I do not claim that all, or even most, of the clausulae in this manuscript are transcribed motets, nor that a majority of the Latin motets in F are derived from earlier French pieces.


Nonetheless, the potential number of transcribed motets and contrafacta in F is, arguably, significant. Initial investigations suggest that there are at least twenty-nine transcribed French motets amongst the clausulae of F,179 and that eleven of the Latin motets in F might be contrafacta of French models.180

180 Arlt has established Ypocrite pseudopontifices as a contrafactum, Buettner has proposed Prothomartir plenus fonte and I have here suggested Error popularis, Veni, salva nos, Stirps Iesse/Virga cultus and Crescens incredulitas.
Of the Latin motets in F with extant related French versions, In modulo sonet letitia/[IMMO]LATUS (motet no. 233) seems plausible on stylistic grounds and its related clausula (no. 105) is also proposed as a transcribed motet by Waite.
Clamans in deserto/IOHAN[NE] (no. 379, whose related clausula, no. 148, may also be a transcribed motet) is another likely candidate, as are O Maria maris stella/VERITA[TEM] (no. 448, with no extant related clausula), and Agmina militie celestis/AGMINA (no. 532, with a related clausula in StV, no. 40).
Locus hic terribilis/[CONFI]TE[BOR] (no. 110) is a further possibility, though this motet has a related passage of discant transmitted within organa (in F, fol. 139v and W2, fols. 71r and 83v), and the chronological relationship between discant/motet versions is, as yet, unclear.

The possibility that newly composed Latin motets in F could also have been transcribed and preserved as clausulae merits further investigation,181 as does the hypothesis that certain motets in F are contrafacta of existing Latin texts.182

181 ラテン語モテット→クラウズラの例
Clausula no. 283 (unique to F, with a Latin motet also unique to F, Et exalta vi magna/ET EXALTA[VI]) (Magnus LiberT p102), identified by Waite as notationally irregular, is a possibility.
Another candidate is the passage of discant In azimis sinceritatis (fol. 110r ), unique to F, with a Latin motet (Exilium parat/IN AZIMIS SINCERITA, no. 244) also unique to F. (Magnus LiberT p194)(Magnus LiberV p160)
However, it is also possible that these Latin motets could be descended from French motets now lost.
182  I have argued elsewhere that this is the case for motet Liberator libera/[LIBERATI](Magnus LiberV p166) (no. 97). See ‘The Earliest Motets’, pp. 283‐95.

As knowledge of the characteristics that might identify a transcribed motet or a contrafactum increases, certain pieces could also be posited as contrafacta or transcriptions of motets now lost.183 All of the clausulae investigated here are ‘true’ clausulae: they are presented in separate fascicles devoted to this musical type rather than appearing in the context of organa.

183 Four of the clausulae identified by Waite as transcribed motets, but for which no related motets are extant, are likely suspects: nos. 50, 126, 146 and Domino 13 (fol. 88v‐5).
Four of Flotzinger’s additions to Waite’s list similarly lack extant motet versions: nos. 13, 127, 135 and Domino 15 (fol. 88v‐5).
Buettner has also suggested that no. 445 (Patribus 6, unique to F, fol. 183v) is a transcription of a French motet, now lost. See his Das Klauselrepertoire der Handschrift Saint-Victor, pp. 184‐9.

183 Waiteによってtranscribeされたモテットであることが同定されたクラウズラ群(しかし、関連するモテットは現存していない)のうちの4つが、これにあたるようである。
Buettnerは、クラウズラPatribus 6, unique to F, fol. 183vが今は失われたフランス語モテットからのtranscriptionであると主張している。

The significance of this generic distinction remains to be seen, and the possibility that passages of discant embedded within organa might also represent transcriptions of motets is ripe for exploration.184

184 It seems probable that two passages of discant within organa in W2 represent transcribed motets. These passages of discant (W2, fols. 68v and 72r) are transmitted in F as clausulae (nos. 61 and 94) and identified by Waite as transcribed motets. That a passage of discant embedded in an organum in F could be a transcribed motet has not yet been investigated. Plausible candidates include the passage of discant Et exaltavi 2 (F, fol. 139v and W2, fol. 83v, related to motet 110) and In azimis sinceritatis (unique to F, fol. 110r, related to motet 244). Another suspect, on stylistic grounds, is the passage of discant Iustus 2 (unique to F, fol. 138r) related to the motet A grant joie/IUSTUS (no. 821, extant in W2 and N).

W2写本中のオルガヌムのディスカントの2つのパッセージ(W2, fols. 68v and 72r)が、transcribeされたモテットを代表している可能性がある。これらのディスカントのパッセージは、F写本においてクラウズラとして転写され、さらにWaiteによってtranscribeされたモテットであることが同定されている。F写本中のオルガヌムにあるディスカントのパッセージがtrancribeされたモテットであり得ることは、まだ十分に研究されていない。候補に挙がっているのは、以下の3つである。

@discant Et exaltavi 2 (F, fol. 139v and W2, fol. 83v, related to motet 110)(Magnus LiberT p253)
AIn azimis sinceritatis (unique to F, fol. 110r, related to motet 244).
Bdiscant Iustus 2 (unique to F, fol. 138r)(Magnus LiberT p250) related to the motet A grant joie/IUSTUS (no. 821, extant in W2 and N).(W2 226r)

If as many as twenty-nine clausulae in F might be transcriptions of French motets, the relationship between French motets and clausulae requires re-evaluation. Only sixty-one motets with text(s) in French have related clausulae extant in the so-called ‘Notre Dame’ sources (W1, F and W2).185

185 This figure was calculated with reference to Smith’s catalogue in ‘From Clausula to Motet’, pp. 38-65, adding the new clausula-French motet concordance discovered by Saint-Cricq (see n. 177 above).

Were nearly half of such clausulae proven to be sine littera transcriptions of French motets, this would challenge the idea that vernacular motets were often created through the addition of texts to preexisting clausulae. And it would undermine the presumption that a tradition of motets in French must, like the Latin tradition, have originated in the texting of clausulae.186

もしもこうしたクラウズラの半分程度でもが、フランス語モテットからのsine littera transcripitionであることが証明されたならば、世俗語モテット群がしばしば、もともと存在していたクラウズラに対しての歌詞づけによって作られたという考えには、疑問符が向けられることになるだろう。そして、フランス語モテットの伝統がクラウズラの歌詞づけにその起源があるに違いないとする説は、衰退を余儀なくされることになるだろう。
186 See Yudkin, Music in Medieval Europe, pp. 393‐5, and R. Hoppin, Medieval Music (The Norton Introduction to Music History; New York and London, 1978), p. 326. Everist also emphasised the possibility that motets in French can be ‘adaptations from clausulae and pre-existent Latin motets’ (French Motets in the Thirteenth Century, p. 43). More recently, Everist also implied (‘The Thirteenth Century’, p. 85) that the tradition of motets in French originally derived from clausulae, noting that ‘the collision . . . between musicians trained to sing and perhaps compose (or at least modify) organa and clausulae and a vernacular culture may well have triggered the earliest motets with French texts’.

Everist もまた、フランス語のモテットが「クラウズラやもともと存在していたラテン語モテットからの適応」である、と述べている。より最近では、Everistはまた、フランス語のモテットの伝統は、もともとはクラウズラから由来する・・・歌ったりオルガヌムを作ったりする訓練を受けた音楽家とクラウズラや世俗文化との間の衝突はフランス語のもっとも早期のモテットの引き金を引いた、と述べている。

Given that certain French motets were reworked as clausulae and/or contrafacta by the time F was copied in the 1240s, this encourages an earlier dating for such newly composed motets,187 and perhaps also for the repertory of motets in the vernacular more generally.

187 Tischler, for example, gives the text Fole acostumance a date of ‘c. 1250’. See his ‘A Comparison of Two Manuscripts’, p. 8.

The proposition that the texts Ypocrite pseudopontifices and Stirps Iesse/Virga cultus are contrafacta suggests, in addition, a vernacular origin for two out of the three Latin double motets extant in F. Significantly, one of only two Latin double motets recorded in W2, Salve salus hominum/O radians stella/ NOSTRUM (W2, fols. 186r‐v), has also been proposed as a contrafactum of a French double motet.188

Ypocrite pseudopontificesStirps Iesse/Virga cultusの歌詞がcontrafactaであるという説は、現存するF写本中の3つのラテン語の3声モテットのうち2つが世俗語起源であることを示している。W2写本中の二つの3声モテットのうちの一つであるSalve salus hominum/O radians stella/ NOSTRUM (W2, fols. 186r‐v)は、フランス語の3声のモテットのcontrafactaとして考えられている。188
 See The Latin Compositions in Fascicules VII and VIII of W2, ed. Anderson, pt. 1, pp. 329‐33. See also the discussion of this motet family in Everist, French Motets in the Thirteenth Century, pp. 51‐4.

It seems, then, that just one of the four Latin double motets preserved in sources copied before 1270, Mors que stimulo/ Mors morsu/MORS (F, fols. 400v‐401v and W2, fols. 164r‐165v), was actually conceived as a Latin double motet, probably derived from a preexisting clausula. This could question the current tendency to identify an early ‘tradition’ of Latin double motets.189

1270年以前に筆写されたソースに残されている4つのラテン語の3声モテットのひとつ、Mors que stimulo/ Mors morsu/MORS (F, fols. 400v‐401v and W2, fols. 164r‐165v)は、実際、ラテン語の3声モテットとして生まれ、そしておそらくはもともと存在していたクラウズラ由来であったと思われる。189
189 See, e.g., Lefferts and Sanders, ‘Motet §I: Middle Ages, 1. France, Ars antiqua’

It might, instead, indicate that polytextual motets were an essentially vernacular concept, accounting for the ‘paucity of Latin double motets [extant] before the fourth fascicle of Montpellier’, described by Everist as ‘most curious’.190

190 French Motets in the Thirteenth Century, p. 39.

Vernacular influences uncovered in F, even if only in a minority of exceptional cases, challenge the widespread presumption that this chronologically ‘early’ motet manuscript necessarily preserves motets in their earliest form.


If Veni, salva nos, for example, derives from a motet extant only in sources that post-date F by about three decades, then the relationship between manuscript chronology and musical chronology is much more complex than is generally acknowledged.

たとえばもしも、Veni, salva nosクラウズラが、30年ほど後のソースにおける現存モテットから由来しているのであれば、写本の年代史と音楽の年代史の関係はこれまで知られていた状況よりも複雑になる。

Similarly, two of the Latin contrafacta discussed above demonstrate that liturgical function or sacred content does not necessarily confirm chronological priority, nor should it be assumed that motets become progressively more ‘secular’ as their family trees grow.


As Buettner has emphasised, the tendency to enforce strict divisions between ‘liturgical’, ‘sacred’ and ‘secular’ music is artificial,191 obscuring the potential for multidirectional interchange between sacred and secular spheres in the thirteenth century. Fluid exchanges between these spheres might include, and convincingly account for, the presence of melodies associated with secular, vernacular refrains in supposedly liturgical clausulae.


The importance of written materials in the creation of contrafacta and clausulae in F, as demonstrated above, also reflects an important aspect of thirteenth-century musical culture. It appears that some clausulae could have served as notational supplements for the subsequent motet versions of their musical material, recording specific rhythmic details impossible to prescribe in cum littera notation.

F写本中のcontrafactaやクラウズラの形成における記述された素材の重要性は、これまでも言われていたように、13世紀の音楽文化の重大な観点を映し出す。クラウズラ群のいくつかは、 cum littera記譜法にては処方されることが不可能な特殊なリズムの詳細を記録することによって、これらの音楽素材に引き続くモテット版に対して記譜法的な手助けを与えることができたことが明らかになっている。

Yet it seems that motets also very quickly developed in a way that expanded the notational possibilities of clausulae, particularly with regard to small-note melodic decorations. In F, those creating motets avail of the opportunity to notate syllabic pieces, the rhythm of which can be established with certainty because of the existence of a related, sine littera clausula.

モテットは、クラウズラが持つ記譜法の可能性を拡大することによって、きわめて迅速に発展してきたように思える。特に、小音符による旋律の装飾という面において。F写本においては、これらの作成されたモテット群は、シラビックな作品を記譜するという点では役に立つのである。関連したsine litteraクラウズラの存在により、確信をもって作ることができるリズムである。

However, F also contains motets exploiting the kind of melodic ornamentation simply too difficult to notate in a clausula, but made possible in a motet precisely because of the presence of a syllabic text whose rate of declamation is an important clue to the correct rhythmic interpretation.


Ways in which music is recorded in writing and features of musical style are, therefore, closely interwoven, existing in a mutually dependent relationship. This is entirely typical of the burgeoning literacy and textuality of the culture in which these pieces are rooted: the musical fabric of thirteenth-century motets and clausulae exhibits the influence of written models and notational possibilities.
The Queen’s College, Oxford
