Albertini THE ORIGINS OF THE WAR 1914 p150-164

1. Reactions to the crime within the Dual Monarchy (p. 120).
2. Tisza opposed to war; Francis Joseph’s anger with Serbia. Victor Naumann urges Vienna to go to war (p. 126).
3. Vienna asks Berlin for its views and for support in an attack on Serbia. Francis Joseph’s letter to Wilhelm and the Hoyos mission (p. 133).
4. German pressure on Austria ; the Kaiser in favour of a solution by force 137).
5. The Kaiser’s discussions with his Chancellor and the military chiefs (p. 140).
6. A telegram from Szogyeny falsely impugned; the evidence of Hoyos (p. 145).
7. Tschirschky’s pressure on Vienna (p. 150).
8. The views of the German supreme authorities on the Austrian situation (p. 155).
9. German hopes of a localization of the conflict; the precedent of 1909;Bullow's share of responsibility (p. 159).

10. The Austro-Hungarian Council of Joint Ministers of 7 July 1914; Tisza’s opposition to a war with Serbia (p. 164).
11. The laborious process of concocting the terms to be imposed on Serbia (p. 170).
12. Tisza comes round to the idea of war (p. 175).
Appendix. The legend of the Potsdam Council (p. 178),

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オーストリア=ハンガリー二重君主国による「最後通牒」(1914 年 7 月 23 日)再考─ F. ヴィースナーの『覚書』にみる開戦決断の背景 ─
7月の危機 July Crisis: 最新の百科事典、ニュース、レビュー、研究 (

Russian occupation of Eastern Galicia (1914–1915)
July Crisis - Wikipedia
Who started WW One? » Mobilisation

7. Tschirschky’s pressure on Vienna