Conductus Motetについて
Clausula→Motet organumからの例  

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The Selection of Clausula Sources for ThirteenthCentury Motets: Some Practical Considerations and Aesthetic Implications1 へ 
The Selection of Clausula Sources for ThirteenthCentury Motets: Some Practical Considerations and Aesthetic Implications2 へ 


The selection of Clausula Soufcds for ThirteenthCentury motetsSome Practical Considerations and Aesthetic Implicationよりp24〜

The clausulae selected for conductusmotets are generally longer and have higher levels of modal purity than the two-voice motets.This makes them seem more "conductus-like" because they can support longer texts declaimed in a more consistent manner. 

 Somewhat surprisingly, only one of the clausulae chosen to become a conductus-motet has consistently uniform phrase lengths, which could have prefigured uniform poetic line lengths.In addition, these clausulae have a greater variety of cadence types than clausulae in any other group.

 This combination of conductus-like and motet-like features attests to the hybrid nature of conductus-motets, most of which were created before motet composers had solidified their preference for contrast and irregularities of design and thereby fully distinguished their new genre from the conductus.

 Clausulae selected as models for two-voice French motets also have distinctive features. They tend to exhibit faster tenor modes and a larger‐than-average share of second-mode dupla. As a group, the clausula models for French motets have moderately low levels of modal purity due to consistently high amounts of fractio modi.

 Since the standard procedure for texting fractured rhythms is to use neumatic text underlay corresponding to the modal rhythmic pattern, high levels of fractio modi typically result in modally regular text declamation. In terms of overall style, high levels of fractio modi and regular text declamation are characteristic of newly composed French motets,

 The present study indicates that stylistic differences between early Latin and early French motets may stem in part from the "pre compositional" act of clausula selection, which was itself most likely influenced by different approaches to text underlay. Liber Part3 p119〜)