

How is the musical style of Du Fay different from that of Josquin?

The late fifteenth and sixteenth century saw the rise of a new musical style, one in which harmonies began to center on full triads and the setting of the text became an important concern to composers. Guillaume Dufay (1400-1474) and Josquin des Prez (1440-1521) are two of the most important figures in the development of Western polyphony during this exciting time period.
 15世紀後半から16世紀にかけて、新しい音楽様式の勃興が見られた。和声は三和音すべてを使用することが中心となり(訳注;それまでの中世の音楽ではタテの和音よりはヨコの各パートの旋律の流れが重要視されていた。したがって三和音が作曲家の頭に認識されることはあまりなく、特に真ん中の導音はあまり使われなかった) また歌詞をどう取り扱うかが作曲家にとっての重要な関心事となってきていた。(訳注;ジョスカンは歌詞と音楽とを結びつけた音画法を初めて用いた。例;Absalom fini miデュファイとジョスカンはこうした音楽の変換期において西洋音楽のポリフォニーの発展における重要な役割を担う作曲家だったのである。

Dufay is commonly associated with the Burgundian court and during this period four principal types of compositions were prominent: Masses, Magnificats, motets, and the secular chansons with French texts. At the beginning of the Burgundian period there was no distinctive sacred style of musical composition, both the mass and the motet were composed in the chanson style. On the contrary during Josquin’s period a firm and more consistent sacred style was developing. In the motet and mass, Dufay used a freely composed melodic treble voice, supported by a tenor and contratenor in a three-voice texture. The treble might be newly composed, but often it was an embellishment version of chant. The chant melody was always recognizable. Similar rules applied to Dufay’s hymns. The treble contained the chant melody and in the fauxbourdon tradition, the two outer voices were written down while the middle voice improvised to fill out the harmony. This was not a practice of des Prez. The even numbered stanzas were sung polyphonically and the others were performed as plainchant. On occasion Dufay would write isorhythmic motets for solemn public ceremonies.




For Josquin des Prez the motet became an exciting new genre for musical exploration and experimentation. Because the Ordinary of the Mass was structured and the liturgy was formal with unvarying texts it allowed little room for such experimentation. One of the most striking differences in the music of Dufay and Josquin is that instead of basing the Mass on a single voice of chanson or one single melody, Josquin subjects all its voices to composition, fantasy, and expressiveness. Although thematically there were some similarities in the five different movements of the Mass, Dufay's form had not yet developed into the cyclical, cantus firmus mass, where a single chant melody appears in all movements.



It was also of growing importance to Josquin that the meaning of the texts was clear. This was not a vital characteristic in the music of Dufay. Josquin was also beginning to use motive and fugal imitation, in which each phrase of text is assigned a musical subject that is then taken up by each of the voices. This was not a known practice during the three- part writing period of Dufay. Again, for Dufay, all parts were not equal. The chant melody always prominent in the vocal texture.


In his motets, Josquin often included sections of homophonic four-part writing in which root-triads harmonize recitation psalm tones, Magnificats, and Lamentations. This technique came to be known as falsobordone. By contrast to the fauxbourdon technique used by Dufay that is usually applied to hymns in, in which the chant was accompanied by sixths and thirds expanding to octaves and fifths at cadences. Josquin’s technique allowed the text to be more audible and comprehensible. This became one of the most important qualities of the music of Josquin as he moved later into his career. He would use every possible resource to bring clear meaning to the message of the text. Naturally, this also had an effect on the contemporaries of Josquin.
 ジョスカンのモテットにはしばしばホモフォニックな四声部パートが含まれており、そこでは根音を中心とする(近代的な)三和音がpsalm toneにおける朗誦、Magnificat、Lamentationなどの和音を作っていた。こうしたテクニックはファルソボルドーネとして知られている。デュファイの用いたフォーブルドン(訳注;ファルソボルドーネと同義)のテクニックに対して、これは通常、賛歌(イムヌス)で用いられたのである。このフォーブルドンはもとの聖歌が6度ないしは3度で和声付けされているもので、最後はオクターブないしは完全5度で終止する。(訳注;ここの文章はややわかりにくいが、音楽史的には同じフォーブルドンという語もデュファイの頃とジョスカンの頃とではその意味合いがかなり異なる。デュファイの頃のフォーブルドンは近代和声学でいう三和音は想定されておらず、あくまでも主旋律に対してその3度ないし6度下を機械的に歌っていくものである。したがって近代和声に馴染んだ耳にはときどき違和感がある。それに対してジョスカンの頃のファルソボルドーネといえばほとんど近代和声学における三和音進行と変わらず、聴いていてもまったく違和感がない。たとえばジョスカンの有名なシャンソンel grilloなどを聴くとこれはもう完璧に近代和声学でいう三和音が使われていることがわかる)


Another striking quality of the music of these two important composers was the use of consonance and dissonance. Dufay tended to be rather conservative in his use of dissonance, always resolving tension quickly and between beats. Josquin on the other hand was not afraid from using dissonance on strong beats and in places where it was more obvious to the listener.

Clearly there are many differences in the music of these two important composers, but what is important to see is the evolutionary development of music and its many forms. Dufay, in many respects, paved the way for future composers to use greater imagination and ingenuity in musical composition.

